Introduce the basic phrases used in everyday conversation in Japan.
Introduce the types of currency and commodity prices in Japan that you would like to know.
Introduce ways of enjoying Japan's four seasons.
Introduce dining etiquette and habits in Japan that you will find useful.
Etiquette for public transportation such as trains and buses, road signs in Japan.
Some etiquette at tourist sopts are unique in Japan,
Introduce the etiquette for “shopping”, one of the most fun things to do while touring around.
Is tipping necessary in Japan? Introduce accommodation facility etiquette.
Introduce ways, rules and etiquette when you take a bath in hot springs.
Please fully enjoy your trip after learning about Japan's unique customs.
Introduce the traditional cultures developed and preserved by predecessors.
Introduce the world-famous anime, manga and video games from Japan.
Introduce Japanese foods that are even popular among foreigners such as sushi and tempura.
Introduce Japanese alcoholic drinks to enjoy such as sake and shochu.
What kind of place is Hachioji? Particularly introduce the city of Hachioji, famous for Mt. Takao.
Introduce the progress and development of Hachioji until the modern times.
Introduce Hachioji's traditional cultures that have been preserved and passed down from generation to generation.
Introduce the world-famous anime and moe-anime set in Hachioji.
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